
Sunday, April 17, 2016

German Jewish Genealogy: A Case Study - JGSI

Below are links to the presentation slides and hand out

presented to the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois April 17, 2026

Saturday, April 9, 2016

German Birth, Marriage and Death Record Template Translations

Irene Peters recently posted a link on the German Special Interest Group (GerSIG) Email Discussion Group of broad interest which is listed below.  In the event that the included Dropbox link becomes unavailable, links to the PDF versions of her translations of Birth, Marriage and Death record templates are available here:

Birth Record Template

Marriage Record Template

Death Record Template

Also see the posting in this blog on access to Hessen vital records:  Access to Hessen Vital Records:

Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 00:09:57 +0200
X-Message-Number: 3

Dear GerSIGers,

I noticed that with the digitization of many of the German civil
records more and more posts are being made to ViewMate asking for
assistance with and translations of such records.

In order to help with the pre-printed portions of these birth,
marriage and death records I have created English translations for
these forms and put them on Dropbox (thanks for the suggestion, Roger

These documents are in Word (i.e. .docx) format as well as in .PDF
format. Each has an image of a real record attached to it with the
respective translations underneath (numbered, to make it easier to see
what is what).

NOTE: This will not help with the handwritten parts but at least it
can provide the context for those, I hope.

The Dropbox link is:

If you see mistakes etc. please let me know privately.

Best regards, Irene Peters, Berlin, Germany -